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Assessment, Evaluation, & Research

Facilitate appropriate data collection for system/department-wide assessment and evaluation efforts using current technology and methods.


For my research project in my Research Methods class I used a departmental need to inform my desired research. I completed an RA Satisfaction Survey of all the current Resident Assistants on campus to learn more about their satisfaction with the job, what they liked, what they thought we could do better as a department, as well as overall feelings towards the resident assistant position. The survey was done through a qualtrics form.


Below you can find a copy of the final research project.

Select AER methods, methodologies, designs, and tools that fit with research and evaluation questions and with assessment and review purposes.


Before beginning my research topic I had to pick a research topic, better understand exactly what evaluation, research, and assessment was and plan a way to collect data and formulate a proposal. During my outcomes class I used readings, supplemental material, and personal interest to plan out a research topic, which through progression changed in research methods, but was still a heart proposal none the less


Below you will find a PowerPoint dedicated to the brief overview of my initial topic. Like all great research, it is drastically different then the final product 

Explain the necessity to follow institutional and divisional procedures and policies (e.g., IRB approval, informed consent) with regard to ethical assessment, evaluation, and other research activities.


During my first semester in graduate school I complete a lengthy research project on the Holistic Success of students in the College of Music, at Florida State University. During this project I conducted and transcribed interviews and derived my findings from the personal experiences of students and alumni. I had to be incredibly careful that information being dissected was not only understood correctly but that informed consent and regulations were being followed every step foe the way.


I also collaboratively presented on the research of students participating in the arts with fellow peers within the class to combine the knowledge of a similar student population into a cohesive conversation


Below you will find a copy of the final paper submitted for this research project

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