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History, Philosophy & Values

Articulate the historical contexts of institutional types and functional areas within higher education and student affairs.


In my Higher Education and Basic Understanding course I took a keen interest in understanding the history and importance behind women’s colleges, especially as it related to my choice of attending a mostly female college that had at one time been a single sex college. In my review I take a closer look at the waning interest in all female colleges, as well as the positive and negatives that come from attending an all female college.


Below you will find a copy of this paper. 

Through critical examination, explain how today’s practice is informed by historical context.


This paper is a review of Derek Bok’s "Our Underachieving Colleges" and this book brings a lot of history and foundational aspects of the student affairs profession into it's pages. My review takes a deeper look at the history and the importance of the values that higher education was founded upon.


See copy of paper below

Teach the principles of the student affairs profession to staff while incorporating the equity, diversity, and inclusion of varying identities and global perspectives. 


During both Resident Assistant Staff training and Orientation Assistant Staff training I did an activity called "Trashing Your Values" which I about helping students, staff, and faculty connect their own values and ideals to others, discovering what is important to them, and how it feels to have others take away their values. This is critical in creating community impact in regards to values and philosophies held by different identities and how to work with others whom hold different identities. 


Below is a version of the activity, "trashing your values."










Describe the various research, philosophies, and scholars that defined the profession


During my personnel in student affairs class I had the opportunity to research a leading student affairs professional in the field. I was able to better understand and get to know Alice Manicur and the role she played in the field. Especially as a leading woman in the field while Student Affairs was still being developed and founded, it was phenomenal to learn more about her and share her great work. 


Below you will find a Facebook page I made for the beloved Alice Manicur

Participate in opportunities to identify and incorporate emerging values of the profession into one’s professional practice.


This year I had the opportunity to attend to the Dalton Institute, which has a theme this year of Student Activism and Advocacy: Higher Education’s Role in Fostering Ethical Leadership and Moral Commitment. I also had the opportunity to listen to professionals whom are well known in the field speak about and discuss emerging trends in the field and how the values backing these trends must be understood and ultimately placed into the a professional practice and I took away a lot of tools to add to my student affairs toolbox. 


Below you will find a reflection paper I wrote on my Dalton experience

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