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Human & Organizational Resources

Demonstrate effective stewardship/use of resources (i.e., financial, human, material)


While at Florida State University I was trained and able to do purchasing on behalf of the university with a purchasing card, purchase orders, as well check requests, I had to be trained on the use of all these operations, keep up to date records of all purchases and turn in all receipts as well as records of purchases. All purchases needed to be justified and any mishandling of money could be terms for loss of privileges

Design a professional development plan that assesses one’s current strengths and weaknesses, and establishes action items for fostering an appropriate pace of growth.


At Florida State University within the University Housing department, each year all professional staff members are required to create professional development plans in conjunction with their head staff supervisor. These plans are to help keep head staff members developed and working towards goals.


Below you will find a professional development plan I created for my second year with University Housing

Demonstrate applications of appropriate techniques (e.g. coaching, performance accountability) for supervising a range of staff performance levels


Over the past two years I have supervised multiple staffs including orientation assistants, resident assistants, and receptionist staffs and will be supervising a graduate student this upcoming year. I have assisted with the hiring, evaluation, accountability, and interviewing of all these constituents, and have supervised these staff with carrying levels of independence. Most recently supervising my own staff with no other supervisor. I have had to adapt to the needs of students with different backgrounds, life experiences ages, and abilities of learning.

Effectively manage and lead meetings through the use of agenda management strategies.


During my time as a supervisor for my various Residence Life & housing positions I have had the opportunity to create, implement, and facilitate staff meetings which I have created informative, efficient, and motivational Agendas that can be used as a guide for meeting times.

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